Bamidele Abiodun Iwalokun, Senapon Olusola Iwalokun, Semande Olufunmilayo Hodonu. Seroprevalence of parvovirus B19 antibodies and evidence of viremia among Nigerian patients with sickle cell anemia[J]. The Journal of Biomedical Research, 2013, 27(4): 272-282. DOI: 10.7555/JBR.27.20120067
Bamidele Abiodun Iwalokun, Senapon Olusola Iwalokun, Semande Olufunmilayo Hodonu. Seroprevalence of parvovirus B19 antibodies and evidence of viremia among Nigerian patients with sickle cell anemia[J]. The Journal of Biomedical Research, 2013, 27(4): 272-282. DOI: 10.7555/JBR.27.20120067
Bamidele Abiodun Iwalokun, Senapon Olusola Iwalokun, Semande Olufunmilayo Hodonu. Seroprevalence of parvovirus B19 antibodies and evidence of viremia among Nigerian patients with sickle cell anemia[J]. The Journal of Biomedical Research, 2013, 27(4): 272-282. DOI: 10.7555/JBR.27.20120067
Bamidele Abiodun Iwalokun, Senapon Olusola Iwalokun, Semande Olufunmilayo Hodonu. Seroprevalence of parvovirus B19 antibodies and evidence of viremia among Nigerian patients with sickle cell anemia[J]. The Journal of Biomedical Research, 2013, 27(4): 272-282. DOI: 10.7555/JBR.27.20120067
Clinical, biochemical and molecular evidence for the sickle cell anemia (SCA) crisis in Nigerian patients arising from parvovirus b19 infection remains inadequate. This study determined the prevalence and correlates of anti-parvovirus b19 antibodies in a population of SCA patients and non-SCA healthy controls in Lagos, Nigeria. In this prospective cross-sectional study, we enrolled 73 confirmed SCA patients from 5 district hospitals in Lagos and 81 sex and age-matched non-SCA healthy controls. Serum sample from each study participant was screened for anti-parvovirus b19 by ELISA and PCR techniques. Standard biomedical assays were also done. Anti-parvovirus b19 IgM and IgG antibodies were detected in 22 (14.3%) and 97 (62.9%) of the 154 sera screened, 13 (17.8%) and 45 (61.6%) in SCA patients; 9 (11.1%) and 52 (64.2%) in non-SCA controls. The overall seronegativity rate was 19.5%. Parvovirus B19 DNA was found in 2 (11.1%) of the 18 IgM seropositive SCA serum samples screened. On the whole, parvovirus b19 infection was more commonly asymptomatic in non-SCA controls but caused significant elevation in liver enzymes in infected SCA patients (P < 0.05). The risk of acute parvovirus b19 infection increased 65 times during unsteady state among the SCA patients. Although no deaths of infected patients were recorded during the study, age below 12 years, hospitalization and overcrowded environment were risk factors for infection. We conclude that parvovirus b19 is common in SCA patients, incurring greater susceptibility to infections.