


Impact Factor
  • ISSN 1674-8301
  • CN 32-1810/R

MSC workshop was successfully held at NJMU

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2013-02-23: The Macmillan Science Communication (MSC), which is the exclusive partner of Nature Publishing Group in cooperation with Editorial Department of the Nanjing Medical University Journals, the Graduate School and Cancer Center of Nanjing Medical University held a workshop on scientific writing and publishing at Nanjing Medical University. The Chief Editor of Nature Genetics, Dr Myles Axton, and Science Communications Consultant of the Nature Publishing Group, Dr. Wayne Peng, delivered the lectures, and the workshop was very successful. The workshop is very helpful in improving the scientific writing skills of researchers at Nanjing Medical University. The content of the workshop is available at theAuthor Resources of the Journal of Biomedical Research website.

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