The inability to procreate is frequently considered a personal tragedy and a hardship for couples, impacting on the entire family and even the local community. In Gaza strip, Palestine, there has been no study on etiological risk factors for subfertility. The present study aimed to identify risk factors associated with subfertility among women in Gaza, Palestine. One hundred and sixty-nine women in the study group and 115 women in the control group were included. Cases were selected randomly from those referred to the Al Basma Fertility Center, Gaza, Palestine. Data were collected through close-ended questionnaire, sonography, hormonal analysis and thrombophilia profile that included the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR 677 C > T), factor V leiden (1691 G > A) and pro-thrombin (20210 G > A) genes. By using univariate analyses, the effects of different patient-related variables on the presence of subfertility were evaluated. A multiple logistic regression model was constructed, crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. The findings showed that 73.5 % (169/230) of the women referred to the Al Basma Center sought treatment for subfertility. Different etiological risk factors were associated with subfertility, the most frequent of which in descending order were: thrombophilic disorders, fallopian tube problems, sex hormone abnormalities and polycystic ovary syndrome with an adjusted OR of 21.42, 13.63, 11.69 and 10.29, respectively. In conclusion, several etiological risk factors are responsible for subfertility among women in Gaza. Comprehensive evaluation of infertile women should be considered in the course of treat-ment; otherwise, the duration of sterility may be extended.