Profiles of metabolic gene expression in the white adipose
tissue, liver and hypothalamus in leptin knockout (LepΔI14/ΔI14 )
Graphical Abstract
Leptin deficiency is principally linked to metabolic disorders. Leptin knockout (LepΔI14/ΔI14) Sprague Dawley rats
created by CRISPR/Cas9 is a new model to study metabolic disorders. We used a whole rat genome oligonucleotide
microarray to obtain tissue-specific gene expression profiles of the white adipose tissue, liver and hypothalamus in
LepΔI14/ΔI14 and wild-type (WT) rats. We found 1,651 differentially expressed (enriched) genes in white adipose tissue,
916 in the liver, and 306 in the hypothalamus in the LepΔI14/ΔI14 rats compared to WT. Gene ontology category and
KEGG pathway analysis of the relationships among differentially expressed genes showed that these genes were
represented in a variety of functional categories, including fatty acid metabolism, molecular transducers and cellular
processes. The reliability of the data obtained from microarray was verified by quantitative real-time PCR on 14
representative genes. These data will contribute to a greater understanding of different metabolic disorders, such as
obesity and diabetes.